Progressive Suppression Gone Wild! School Stifles Inclusion by Banning ‘Rainbowland’ Acceptance Song Over Innocent Rainbow Reference

An elementary school teacher from Waukesha is under fire for attempting to have her class sing “Rainbowland” by Dolly Parton and Miley Cyrus. The song imagines a world where everybody is accepted for their differences and makes no mention of the LGBTQ+ community; rainbows are used to convey the idea that an array of different people exist in the world.

The Teacher Took to Twitter

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The teacher, Melissa Tempel, expressed her frustration on Twitter. “My first graders were so excited to sing Rainbowland for our spring concert but it has been vetoed by our administration. When will it end?” she wrote.

An Image of the Song’s Lyrics Accompanied the Tweet

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Melissa added an image of the song’s lyrics to the tweet. “We are rainbows, me and you / Every color, every hue / Let’s all dig down deep inside / Brush the judgment and fear aside” are notable lines.

The Song Isn’t About LGBTQ+ Issues

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It’s clear the song is about accepting everybody’s differences and not solely about LGBTQ+ people. Rainbows are used to represent the immense diversity found in humanity. This wasn’t enough for the school district, however, who were unable to separate the rainbow metaphor used in this song and the Pride flag used by the LGBTQ+ community.

Some Parents Were Supportive

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Leigh Radichel Tracy, a parent from the area, said that all “Miley and Dolly are saying is that they want to live in a world that is accepting, with no judgment, and where people can be who they want to be. It’s so sad that this is seen as a ‘controversial issue’ by the School District of Waukesha. It’s a song about a beautiful place of acceptance”.

Some Commeters Weren’t So Understanding

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Commenters on Melissa’s tweet weren’t as understanding as Leigh. “So how much hate exactly is going on in your classroom with those little kids? And don’t gaslight parents. I bet if they check your emails, you’ve been texting them saying how you intend to subtly indoctrinate the children in your class. They are not YOUR kids,” one particularly angry individual commented.

Melissa Bounced Back With Some Sassy Responses

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The teacher wasn’t taking any of it. “Ya got me!” she sarcastically replied to the above individual accusing her of indoctrination. Melissa responded with more sarcasm when someone accused her of “trying to shove a gay agenda down the throats of elementary kids”. “That’s ridiculous,” the teacher wrote. “The gay agenda is much too long to fit down anyone’s throat!”

Plenty of Comments Were Full of Support

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Despite the negativity in her comments, Melissa also received a plethora of support. “That song is about love and acceptance, not hate. The modern Republican Party is the party of hate and intolerance. There’s nothing wrong with teaching kids that our differences are beautiful,” one person said. “I never thought in a million years we’d live in a time where grown adults are terrified of rainbows,” another added.

It’s Not the Only Rainbow-Related Song the School Has Banned

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“Rainbow Connection,” a children’s song about hope and belief, was also banned by the school. “Today they banned Rainbow Connection,” Melissa replied to a comment on her original tweet. She later revealed the song had been “unbanned” after “parents sent emails to admin”.

Rainbows Are a Common Symbol of Diversity and Hope

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The rainbow symbol, as with many things in the world, has multiple meanings. It’s best known for its association with the LGBTQ+ community but what a lot of people don’t realize is that the Pride flag has six stripes and, as such, isn’t technically a rainbow. A Google search of “rainbow symbolism” will deliver the following definition: “Rainbows are frequently represented, in Western art and culture, as a sign of hope and promise of better times to come.”

In 2020, Rainbows Were Used as a Symbol of Hope in the UK

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During the worst of the pandemic, the UK used rainbows to symbolize a brighter future. Children made rainbow-related art at school – while schools were open, anyway – and decorated the walls with it. Flags could be seen on almost every street, and nobody thought anyone was being indoctrinated. It’s worth noting that, for the most part, the UK is much more comfortable with LGBTQ+ education than the US – not that this had anything to do with it. The country recognizes that knowledge and understanding lead to reduced bigotry.

The Teacher Might Lose Her Job

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Melissa has since been placed on administrative leave and is currently fighting to keep her job. “I just want to be a teacher,” she said in an interview. “I don’t have any aspirations to be anything else.”

As Melissa Put It: “When Will It End?”

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In a country where asking children to pledge allegiance to a flag isn’t seen as indoctrination – while teaching them about acceptance, love, and hope is – it’s hard to predict when attitudes will change. We can only hope the day comes soon.

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