Online Fury Erupts as Black Woman Asserts “Whites Should Ask My Permission to Speak”

A Black TikTok user has upset many conservative Americans on the internet. This happened when she made a video telling white people they couldn’t talk to her without her permission. In the video, she also made fun of people with lighter skin, stating that they have “pasty” skin, among other things.

Experts from Social Work Today shared a study that tells an important story. Over the last 60 years, Black and White people have noticed less harmful actions against Black people. However, many White people feel that discrimination towards them is beginning to increase. In fact, many White individuals believe it has become more of a pressing issue than the racism that Black people face.

On a scale from 1 to 10, many White people believe that anti-White racism was more prevalent in the 2000s than anti-Black racism. The difference was notable at approximately more than one full point. 

Social Media users fight back against Black woman’s Claims.

However, many conservatives laughed at how the TikTok user spoke. They ridiculed her lack of proper English, such as the way she said “axe” instead of “ask.” In fact, one user stated that the TikToker should no longer use English but instead resort to using the language of her family’s origin country in Africa. However, others were not open to critiquing her language, as some felt that this was mocking the way many African-Americans speak, known as AAVE (African-American Vernacular English).

Additionally, many users criticized her comments toward White people. They argued that this TikToker’s words suggested that she had some ownership over white people. Many drew similarities between her claims that White people must ask her for permission to do something and how Black people were treated during slavery. 

Others stated that the TikToker was not thinking clearly and may have suffered from mental illness. They advised her to speak with a professional about her actions. The TikToker also compared herself to God in her video, referring to herself as “The Lord.” Her TikTok username is “the Black Messiah.” Some users suggested she was showing an anti-Christian bias alongside anti-White racism. Furthermore, other users advised her to privatize her videos if she didn’t want people commenting.


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