Mirror, Mirror: 18 Signs That Deep Down You Are a Terrible Person

In our introspective moments, we often find ourselves peering into the mirror of our souls, questioning who we indeed are underneath the layers of societal polish. However, what if the reflection staring back is not as pleasant as we hope? What if there are certain facets of our character that aren’t just flawed but lean towards the terrible? This can be a difficult reality to face, but sometimes, the first step towards self-improvement is acknowledging our less-than-ideal traits.

Disrespecting Service Workers

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“Treating service workers poorly.”

Service workers are people too, and they deserve respect and kindness. If someone treats waiters, cleaners, or store workers badly, it shows that they don’t value other people’s feelings and efforts. A good person knows everyone deserves respect, no matter their job.

Rain on Someone’s Parade

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“Not letting someone enjoy a thing they like because it somehow offends you.”

Imagine having a friend who makes fun of your favorite hobby. It’s not fun, right? When people refuse to let others enjoy the things they like just because they find it odd, it’s a sign that they lack understanding and empathy.

The Loud Car Offender

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“Driving an unnecessarily loud car.”

Driving a loud car isn’t just noisy—it can also disrupt other people’s peace and quiet. This kind of behavior shows a lack of consideration for others. You’re a selfish person if you do this!

Lack of Open-mindedness

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“Not really listening to the other’s side of the story/perspective.”

Being a good person means being open-minded and understanding. If someone always insists on their viewpoint without considering other people’s perspectives, it shows that they’re self-centered and not a great person to be around. All they want to do is hear the sound of their own voice.

The Gaslighter

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“Being passive-aggressive and gaslighting.”

Gaslighting is a form of manipulation where someone makes you question your own reality. This behavior can make people feel anxious, confused, and depressed. A decent person communicates openly and honestly without resorting to such tactics. Stay away from anybody who’s like this!

Inappropriate Dresser

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“Wearing a robe with no underwear.”

Some behaviors are just plain disrespectful, like wearing a robe with no underwear in public places. This behavior shows a lack of respect for other people’s comfort and boundaries. It’s important to dress appropriately and considerately when around other people.

Misusing Child Spaces

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“Parking in child spaces when you have no kids.”

Child spaces in parking lots are there for a reason: to make life easier for parents with young kids. When someone without kids parks there, it shows that they don’t care about the rules or other people’s needs.

The Non-Tipper

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“Doesn’t tip.”

In many cultures, tipping is a way to show appreciation for service workers. Not tipping when it’s customary and expected can indicate a lack of generosity or respect for the service received.

Hit-and-Run Culprit

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“Knocking someone over in an accident, and then driving off… You didn’t get away.”

Causing an accident and not taking responsibility is a clear sign of a terrible person. It’s not just illegal, but it also shows a complete disregard for other people’s safety and well-being.

Inconsiderate Actions

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“Inconsiderate people.”

Being inconsiderate can make life harder for everyone around you. Whether it’s playing loud music late at night, leaving messes for others to clean up, or not returning borrowed items, these actions speak louder than words.

Objectifying Women

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“Treating women like objects.”

Women are human beings, not objects. Treating women like they’re less than human is a big red flag that someone is not a good person. Respect and equality should be the norm in all interactions, no matter who you’re talking to.

Irresponsible Drivers

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“People who don’t know how to drive. As in people with driver’s licenses somehow.”

Driving is a serious responsibility, and people who are careless or reckless on the road put everyone at risk. If someone can’t drive safely despite having a driver’s license, it shows a lack of responsibility and concern for others’ safety.

The Constant Self-Defender

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“When you overtly and obnoxiously keep on trying to tell others that you aren’t a terrible person.”

Actions speak louder than words. If someone constantly needs to tell others they’re not terrible, it might be a sign that their actions are saying otherwise. You should be careful of somebody like this.

Online Child Exploiters

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“Making your children upset in order to record it and post it for internet points.”

Using your children’s emotions for internet fame is an awful thing to do. Children deserve to be loved and protected, not exploited for likes or shares on social media.

Animal Abusers

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“I work with a shelter, and the horrific things humans can do to dogs and cats are just unbelievable.”

Abusing animals is a terrible act and an unmistakable sign of a bad person. Animals deserve love, care, and respect.

Noisy Neighbor

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“Refusing to wear headphones.”

Listening to loud music or videos without headphones in public can be disturbing to others. It shows this person doesn’t care about people’s personal space and their right to quiet and peace.

The Litterbug

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“Being a habitual litterer.”

Littering harms our environment and shows a lack of respect for our planet and the community. Good people care about the environment and try to keep it clean for everyone to enjoy.


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“When the default coping mechanism is to manipulate or abuse other people.”

Using manipulation or abuse to handle stress or problems is not just harmful, it’s cruel. Healthy coping mechanisms involve communication and understanding, not hurting others.

Charity Thief

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“Stealing money meant for charities.”

Taking money that’s meant to help those in need is a terrible act. It shows a lack of empathy and greed that’s harmful to the most vulnerable in our society.


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“When someone complains about everyone else behind their backs.”

Gossiping or complaining about others behind their backs breeds negativity and distrust. Doing it now and again is okay, but someone who gossips all the time isn’t a good person.

The False Honesty Banner

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“When they say, “I’m just really honest.”

Honesty is a virtue, but when someone hides behind it to be hurtful or rude, it becomes a problem. Using “honesty” as an excuse to say unkind things shows a lack of tact and empathy. True honesty comes with a sense of respect and consideration for others’ feelings. So remember, it’s not what you say, but how you say it that counts.

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Image Credit: Canva: Rapideye

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