18 Troubling Actions That Fuel Women’s Doubt and Mistrust in You, Gentlemen

For women, certain actions from their partners can ignite a sense of uncertainty and make them question the strength of their connection. In this thought-provoking discussion, we shed light on 18 actions that trigger doubt in women’s minds regarding their relationship with men. By exploring these unsettling behaviors, we aim to bring awareness to the potential pitfalls that can erode trust and create turmoil in a partnership.

Uncertainty and Timing

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“I know I may be an outlier, but this is just my perspective. I would say it depends on the timing and the reason behind why they may feel uncertain…”

Sometimes, being unsure about someone can be okay, especially if the relationship is new. It takes time to get to know someone. Everyone has doubts and fears that patience can be an important part of love. But remember, even if you’re sure about someone, it doesn’t mean everything will be perfect.

The Everyday Choice

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“Until you’re in a healthy relationship long enough to experience it go stale, it’s hard for anyone to understand that being in a relationship is a choice, every day, no matter how good things are. Uncertainty comes in waves.”

Being in a relationship is about making daily choices, even when things are great. Sometimes, it’s okay to feel unsure, like how waves come and go. It’s part of the journey, so don’t fear a little uncertainty.

Acceptance and Communication

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“I have quite a bit of tolerance for uncertainty about whether or not we’ll be together forever and related decisions such as buying a home together or getting married…”

If your partner isn’t sure about big things like getting married, that’s okay. What’s more important is that they care about you and want to make the relationship work. Honest communication can help you deal with uncertainty and find a path forward together.

Seeking Certainty in Love

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“No, I wouldn’t. In a relationship, I want someone who loves me and who is damn sure about that. And the other way round…”

When it comes to love, some people want to be with someone sure about them. They want to feel loved and wanted without any doubts or worries. If you feel this way, try looking for a relationship that gives you that certainty.

Knowing Your Worth

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“No. He can go figure it out on his own time. I’ll go find someone who KNOWS they want me. Never let a man tell you more than once he doesn’t want you.”

Remember, you deserve someone who wants to be with you and is sure about you. If your partner is unsure, let them figure things out while you find someone who knows they want to be with you.

Not a Placeholder

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“No, I’m not a placeholder.”

In a relationship, you should never feel like you’re just there until something better comes. You’re important and deserve to be with someone who sees that and values you.

The Cost of Uncertainty

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“I tried, and it destroyed my self-esteem. Would not recommend.”

Being with someone unsure about you can hurt you. It can make you question your worth and damage your confidence. Remember to take care of yourself and your feelings.

The ‘Yes or No’ Rule

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“No. It’s either a heck yes or it’s a heck no.”

Some people like to keep things simple. If someone needs clarification about them, they see it as a no. They want someone who is a clear yes, someone who is sure about wanting to be with them.

The Shared Home Dilemma

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“I’m currently in this position, but it’s kinda hard to just up and leave since we live together…”

Living together can make things more complicated. But even if it’s hard, it’s important to remember your worth and find what’s best for you. Being unsure can be tough on your confidence and your happiness.

Be Wanted, Not Tolerable

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“No, because If they aren’t sure, then that’s the answer. I want to be wanted, not to be tolerable.”

In a relationship, you should feel wanted instead of tolerated. If someone isn’t sure about you, it might be a sign that you should look for someone who truly wants to be with you.

Prioritize Yourself

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“No, I want to be a priority.”

Being a priority in your partner’s life is important. If they need clarification on you, they might not be making you a priority. You deserve to be with someone who makes you feel important and valued.

The Lesson of First Love

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“I did in my first-ever relationship. Because I was naive…”

Sometimes, when we’re young or new to love, our certainty can compensate for our partner’s uncertainty. But love is a two-way street. It’s important to be with someone as sure about you as you are about them.

The Price of Patience

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“I did for too long. In the end, I destroyed my own self-esteem…”

Waiting for someone to be sure about you can hurt. It can make you hide who you are and feel bad about yourself. Remember, it’s important to be with someone who loves you for you.

Don’t Drain Your Energy

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“No. It’s exhausting, and I’m done putting emotional energy into personal relationships where I don’t get the same energy, effort, and care back.”

Relationships should be about giving and receiving. If you’re putting in more effort than you’re getting back, it can be tiring. Look for a relationship where both people put in the same amount of love and care.

The Time Factor

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“How far in are we talking? A month in, ok, that’s reasonable. Six months or more, time to go.”

The length of a relationship can play a part in whether uncertainty is okay. If it’s been a time and your partner is still unsure, consider moving on.

‘I Don’t Know’ is a No

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“If he’s an “I don’t know” type of guy, then it’s a NO! If they were sure, they would let you know.”

If someone always says, “I don’t know,” it could be a sign that they’re not sure about you. You deserve to be with someone who is sure about you and isn’t afraid to show it.

Better Than Nothing?

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“The two are still enjoying each other’s company. I think for some, it’s better than nothing.”

Sometimes, even if someone isn’t sure about you, you might still enjoy being together. It’s up to you to decide if that’s enough for you or if you want someone sure about you.

No Doubts in the Right Relationship

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“No way. I’ve learned that when it’s the right person, there will not be any doubts. It will be mutual that you can’t imagine letting the other person go…”

When you find the right person, there won’t be any doubts. You’ll both know that you want to be together. Anything less might not be worth your time. After all, you deserve to be with someone sure about you.

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